
Malkia “Kia” McLeod creates digital content to tell an organization’s story. She establishes meaningful relationships with target audiences by engaging them in two-way, interpersonal conversations that matter and providing solutions to their problems. She recently created a COVID-19 social media marketing strategy for the Maryland State Department of Education that increased the brand’s engagement.

Kia has over 15 years of experience promoting education, creating impact, influencing change, improving reputations and engaging diverse audiences with compelling content and strategic messaging. She is an expert at building strategic partnerships. Kia has worked in the education, youth development, health, leisure, energy and housing industries. As a former reporter, blogger and freelance writer, she has covered everything from education to housing.

Kia founded DigiComm Media, where she offered strategic, integrated marketing and communications plans that achieved measurable results and implemented social media marketing campaigns to build a community of brand advocates. As a certified media trainer, she trained spokespeople to become more effective communicators.

She is a dedicated storyteller with three blogs: career development, customer service and PR best practices. Kia attends PR and marketing networking events to share her passion for communications.

She strongly advocates for education, affordable housing and youth/career development. Kia lends her creative talents to worthy causes, such as addressing mental health stigmas and tackling the childhood obesity epidemic. You will find her riding bikes or planting seeds that grow from her garden and land on her plate in the summer.

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